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McDonald Group International, Inc

Water, Wastewater, Environmental Engineering 


Wastewater Reclamation Plant for Large Resort in Antigua 

This 0.270 MGD treatment facility was likewise designed to produce a highly treated water suitable for grounds irrigation at an upscale resort in Antigua . There were several unique challlenges. The plant receives, in addition to high strength domestic wastewater,  laundry water.  Above photo shows the combined pretreatment and flow equalization

. Similar to other projects,  the work had to be completed within a limited site area, and work around existing treatment facilities that had to be maintained in operation while the work was completed. A further complicating factor was the site selected was essentially on a 5:1 slope and new tankage had to be benched into the site. The photo below  is taken from  one of the two process stablization tanks, overlooking the contact and  final settling tank. In the distance is the clear water that is of paramount importance to protect in the region and which drives the regions tourist industry.